After 'Cool Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana 1/29/18-2/2/18

Each week in our three After 'Cool classes, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. This is someone who has given something of themselves that we may not have expected, and is chosen by both the Teaching Artists and Teen Mentors. To give a little taste of the excellent work these children are doing, here is our Artist of the Week showcase for last week.

Cada semana en cada una de nuestras tres clases After 'Cool, reconocemos a uno de nuestros estudiantes como artista extraordinaria. Es alguien que ha dado de sí de una manera que nos sorprende, y lo escogen los Artistas de la Enseñanza y los Mentores Adolescentes. Para mejor entender el trabajo excelente que hacen estos niños, aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por la semana pasada.


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“Last week, a lot of us did scenes, where Crystal said 60 seconds, 30 seconds, 15 seconds… Melanie did that by herself. She stood by herself, and as we all kind of know as actors in this room, standing up in front of the group by yourself is not the easiest thing to do. And what you did, you took the direction, and then you did it again, and then you did it again, and then you did it again, and then you did it again on your second class here." - Teaching Artist

"La semana pasada, muchos de nosotros hicimos escenas en que Crystal nos dijo '60 segundos, 30 segundos, 15 segundos...' Melanie lo hizo sola. Se paró, a solitas - y como ya sabemos como actores, el pararse frente a todos no es tan fácil - y lo que hizo... lo hizo otra vez, y otra vez, y otra vez, y otra vez, y ¡en su segunda clase con nosotros!" - Artista de la Enseñanza

Melanie pictured with her Teaching Artist Crystal


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"Xiomara is very nice, very pretty, she’s not drawing too much attention, she’s focused in class, she’s never goofing around, she’s being like a professional actor, she’s acting like she could already be a mentor.” - student

“I like when we alternate between mentors and redshirts so we can see how to do it so we can get it perfect just like the mentors.” - Xiomara

"Xiomara es muy amable, muy linda, y no se atrae mucha atención, está enfocada durante la hora de clase, no hace tonterías - parece actriz profesional, se porta como si ya fuera mentor." - estudiante

"Me gusta que alternemos entre los mentores y los de camisa roja para que veamos cómo hacer las cosas, a fin de perfeccionarlas como lo hacen los mentores." - Xiomara


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"Last year, you were a lot shyer, and you evolved and became more outspoken, and especially last week you really excelled and you participated a lot more than you usually do which stood out to us and the mentors.” - Teen Mentor

“Last week when you were in my group, you paid attention. When you came back from the bathroom, I gave you the short version of what Brian told us we were supposed to be doing, and you just listened and followed along and understood as soon as you got in.” - Teen Mentor

"El año pasado, eras más tímido, pero creciste y te abriste; especialmente, en la semana pasada, sobresaliste, participaste más que lo normal, y eso nos resaltó a los mentores." - Mentor Adolescente

"La semana pasada, cuando estabas en mi grupo, prestabas mucha atención. Cuando volviste del baño, te di una versión corta de lo que Brian nos había explicado, y tú sólo escuchabas, y seguías, y entendías desde el momento en que entraste." - Mentor Adolescente

Junior pictured with his Teaching Artist Brian.


Empathy / Solidaridad


Passing the Gavel / Pasando la Batuta