Fond Farewell to LAUSD's Robin Lithgow & More

Robin Lithgow retires from LAUSD

24th STreet Theatre was honored to host the retirement party on June 17th for LAUSD’s outgoing head of its Arts Ed Branch, Robin Lithgow. LA City Council Member Jan Perry presented Robin with a city commendation, LAUSD Board member Steve Zimmer presented Robin with a certificate from the school district, and arts teachers performed musical and dance numbers. We at 24th STreet have just loved working alongside Robin to keep Arts Ed in the schools and we wish her the very best for the next phase of her life. Brava Robin!

24th STreet Texas-style!

24th STreet’s Presenting Sponsor, Farmers Insurance, sent Deb Devine and Jay McAdams on a whirlwind tour of Texas last week to share 24th STreet’s unique approach to teacher Professional Development with hundreds of educators in a half-dozen school districts.

“I have lived around the world and this training revealed the beauty of human interaction on a personal level,” said teacher Sandi Hill of Killeen Independent School District. And Peggy Kujawa, a thirty –year veteran teacher from Leander Independent School District said, “It made me feel like an energized rock star!!” That’s the goal! Our huge thanks to Randy Rice and all of our friends at Farmers for their tireless dedication to education.

[Fiscal] Year-end donations!

 With the beginning of summer comes the end of our Fiscal Year. So if you’ve been meaning to make a donation to 24th STreet over the past year, but never got around to it, you still have time to get in under the wire if you donate by June 30th. Click HERE to make your tax-deductible donation to 24th STreet Theatre.




Outstanding Achievement in American Theatre Award!


LA Weekly's People 2012 Issue- Featuring our own Debbie Devine and Jay McAdams!