Dream On / ¡Sueña!
This simple dream has turned into a nightmare.
Este simple sueño se ha convertido en una pesadilla.
Empathy / Solidaridad
We are firm believers in the power and necessity of empathy. Somos creyentes inmovibles en el poder y la necesidad de la empatía.
How the tax bill affects charitable donations
How does the new tax bill affect charitable donations?
Support 24th Street Theatre while you shop! / ¡Apoyo al 24th STreet Theatre mientras compras!
If you could help us serve more kids every time you buy groceries without spending an extra penny of your own money, wouldn’t you want to do it? Of course you would!
Congratulations on Matthew Hill's Ovation Award nomination
Matthew Hill is a well-respected designer in the Los Angeles art scene.
A New Mom Shares Mixed Feelings on “Back to School” / "El regreso a la escuela"
I'm flooded with relief, new worries, and a little bit of guilt.
Esto me trajo un gran alivio, nuevas preocupaciones y un poco de culpa.
Work-at-Home-Mom Can't Wait for Preschool
It’s May and I post on Facebook that my 3 year-old was off to camp for the first time, the very first class he’d do on his own.
Es mayo y publiqué en Facebook que mi hijo de 3 años fue a acampar por primera vez; la primera clase que haría por su cuenta.
Speaking Up for Butterflies
I remember the first school shooting after I started — and how painful is it that there were so many more.
Recuerdo el primer tiroteo en las escuelas poco después de que comencé - y cuán doloroso que haya habido tantos más-
Production Values
I remember late one night in tech rehearsal when the designers literally had their heads in their hands. Because of the overlapping video and lighting and sound and music it was even more difficult than usual.
Recuerdo una noche ya tarde, estábamos en el ensayo técnico cuando los diseñadores literalmente tenían sus cabezas en sus manos.
24th ST's Role in 2017 / Nuestro Papel, en 2017
This Thursday, Jan 19th, at 5:30pm local time, 24th STreet Theatre will begin 2017 by making a stand. We will be standing on this eve of the inauguration alongside 300 other theatres and their people around this country, vowing to be a place of light during what is certain to be difficult times ahead.