Community Jay McAdams Community Jay McAdams

Oh Henry

It is certain that I chose to attend the funeral of LA playwright (and LA theatre mascot) Henry Ong, in search of exactly what Henry was all about; love, humor, and personal connection.

Pero la verdad es que elegí asistir al funeral del dramaturgo de Los Ángeles (y de la mascota del teatro de Los Ángeles) Henry Ong, en busca de eso que exactamente era Henry: amor, humor y conexión personal.

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Community staff Community staff

The Flores Family Needs Our Help

24th Street Theatre is helping raise money to assist the Flores family, one of our longtime neighborhood families. They lost their father, Hilario Flores, on August 10th in a tragic accident. 

El Teatro 24 (24th Street Theatre) está ayudando a recaudar dinero para ayudar a la familia Flores, una de nuestras familias vecinas desde hace mucho tiempo. Perdieron a su padre, Hilario Flores, el 10 de agosto en un trágico accidente. 

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Community Jay McAdams Community Jay McAdams

Becoming Granny / Convirtiéndome en abuelita

One of the great things about summer at 24th STreet is that our former students, who are now in college, often stop in for a visit . . . But because I do sometimes find myself being the elder these days, and thus the keeper of traditions, I also have come to the point in my life where I’ve become my grandmother and I dispense unsolicited advice, just like my Granny did.

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Community Cindy Marie Jenkins Community Cindy Marie Jenkins

Meet our New Board President, Nathaniel Zeisler

We have sub-zero temperatures and a passion for supporting young artists to thank for bring Nate's family to Los Angeles, and 24th ST Theatre. 

Tenemos que agradecer a las temperaturas bajo cero y a una pasión por apoyar a losartistas jóvenes, por llevar a la familia de Nate a Los Ángeles y al Teatro 24.

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