Life Lessons / Lecciones de la Vida
There are people in this world who are special. We all know one or two, if we’re lucky. People who have an intense sparkle in their eye. People who are driven to greatness.
Hay personas en este mundo que son especiales. Todos conocemos a uno o dos de ellos, si tenemos suerte. Son personas que tienen un brillo intenso en sus ojos. Personas que están destinados para la grandeza.
24th ST Friends Onstage at CalArts REDCAT's NOW Festival
How does REDCAT chooses its artists and what groundbreaking work are our artist friends presenting?
Who is Team 24?
"It's a place of inclusivity and love." / “Es un lugar de inclusión y amor”.
Artists of the Week / Artistas de las Semana 3/12/18 - 3/23/18
Here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the weeks of March 12th and 19th. Aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por las semanas del 12 y 19 de Febrero.
After 'Cool Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana 2/5/18 - 2/9/18
here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the week of February 5th. aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por la semana del 5 de Febrero.
After 'Cool Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana
Each week in 'After Cool, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. Here we present the Artist of the Week showcase for our first two weeks of After 'Cool this semester.
Fifteen Years of Enter Stage Right/Quince Años de Enter Stage Right
24th STreet Theatre's mission has been to give a voice to the voiceless and bring excellent arts education to a Los Angeles community that otherwise may have never known the miracle of theatre.
la misión del 24th STreet Theatre ha sido de dar una voz a los no la tiene, y para llevar la educación artística a una comunidad de Los Angeles que de otro modo no habría conocido el milagro del teatro.
Talking to Children About / Hablando con niños sobre: African American History Month
We love sharing resources here at 24th ST. / A nosotros aquí en el 24th ST, nos encanta compartir recursos,
Boys to Men / De Niños a Hombres
I still agonize over the kids we couldn’t help.
Me preocupan todos los niños que no hemos podido ayudar.
Community Reflections
The question of Community comes up a lot lately. We belong to the Los Angeles Theatre community, national, international theatrical circles, intersecting with Theatre for Young Audiences around the world.
Sept 10-16 is National Arts in Education Week!
An essential part of National Arts in Education Week is visibility.
Remembering Not To Forget / Recordar No Olvidar
Stress is part of the non-profit sector. We worry.
El estrés es parte del sector de organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Nos preocupamos.