Family Fridays LA

Welcome to our new weekly segment, Family Fridays LA!

Here to bring you the best of intelligent family resources to enjoy with everyone you love. Suggest your own event in the comments below.


Neighborhood Resources

 DTLA Families

Because when attractive young people move into lofts together, reproduction happens.

From Alisa Rivera: Our family (my husband James, my son Nathan and I) moved to DTLA in 2008, one of the first middle class families to live in downtown (I make a point of saying middle class because if you look at Skid Row, there have always been families downtown). These were the days before Syrup Desserts, before Spring for Coffee, before the Nickle Diner—hell, before much of anything besides Pete’s Cafe and a lot of art galleries. Of course, there were the stores on Broadway, which mostly catered to people visiting from East LA to shop. And the homeless hotels and shelters on Skid Row.

I want to share the tools, tips and resources that we’ve gleaned over the years. Where do I buy wipies at 5 pm on a Sunday when I don’t want to get in my car? What restaurants can I bring my kid to without getting the stink-eye from skinny hipsters? Will we ever have a park with a playground in the Historic Core? And what the hell do I do about getting my kid into a decent school?

There’s an active and growing Downtown LA Parents Facebook group you should also check out. And if you have questions, comments or just want to connect to other families downtown, get in touch—we’d love to hear from you!


Street Fairs

Annual celebration in Atwater Village (90039)

Businesses stay open, arts, music, ice cream socials....

Residents and neighbors are invited to stroll the bouleard and experience life in Atwater Village.



More resources: Teacher Toolbox

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Pictures: Teaching as a Performing Art