Curtain Calls

Curtain Calls

We lost two 24th STreet friends this week; Lynn Manning and Susan Kitchen.
Susan Kitchen was an actress, mother and grandmother. We knew her first as a grandmother of two of our After ‘Cool students. But then she became a member of our neighborhood Teatro Del Pueblo project. As a professional actress she was so patient and giving with the less experienced members who had never been on stage before. Susan was an elegant and beautiful woman with a quiet gracefulness. We loved working with her and having her in the 24th STreet family. Susan’s family has set up an online donation page to help cover funeral expenses.Lynn Manning was a fellow Los Angeles theatre artist at Watts Village Theatre, whom we admired greatly. Whenever we encountered Lynn he was always so gracious and lovely. Tragically blinded by a bullet in his 20’s, he went on to become a successful writer and theatre artist and artistic director who never let his disability stop him from inspiring others. Lynn was an important and beloved member of the LA theatre community and he will be greatly missed by us all. The Los Angeles Times wrote a beautiful profile on Lynn following his passing.

 Both were fabulous people and we were saddened to hear of their passings. Both were artists and spent their lives making others feel and laugh and love. Both made a lasting impression on us.

Ovación Final

Perdimos a dos amigos del Teatro 24 esta semana: Lynn Manning y Susan Kitchen.

Susan Kitchen era una actriz, madre y abuela. Primero la conocimos como la abuelita de dos de nuestros estudiantes de After ‘Cool. Después se integró a nuestro Teatro del Pueblo. Como actriz profesional era muy paciente y generosa con aquellos integrantes que tenían menos experiencia y quienes jamás habían puesto un pie en un escenario. Susan era una mujer elegante y hermosa con gracia sublime. Nos honra haber trabajado con ella y que era parte de nuestra familia Teatro 24. La familia de Susan ha registrado una página de donación para ayudarles a cubrir costos.

Lynn Manning era uno de nuestros colegas artista de Los Angeles en Watts Village Theatre, a quien admirábamos. Siempre que nos encontrábamos con él, era muy lindo y gentil. Perdió su vista tragicamente cuando tenía unos 20 años. Superó la tragedia destacando como escritor, artista teatral y director artístico. Su falta de vista jamás fue obstáculo y siempre inspiraba a todos. Lynn era un integrante muy importante y querido de la comunidad artística de Los Angeles y todos lo extrañaremos bastante. Los Angeles Timesescribió una hermosa reseña acerca de Lynn después de su deceso.

Ambos eran personas fabulosas y nos dio tristeza oír de su deceso. Ambos eran artistas y pasaron sus años haciendo a la gente sentir, reír y amar. Ambos dejaron en nosotros huellas profundas.



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