1st Metro Play! Field Trip Live Blog

You're invited!

Starting at 10am Saturday, September 1st, follow our journey through Meet Me @ Metro 3. We'll add video, pictures, and tweets here as the day moves along.

If you're on Twitter, please shout out and let us know!

See all the great pictures of the whole day on Facebook.

In the meantime, watch this playlist & meet some of the artists behind this extravaganza. One face you just might recognize!

10 a.m.


10:44am We arrive at Expo Line & get our TAP passes our youth mentors train Debbie in using their TAP card to take the Metro.

11:24am We have our tickets, waiting for the show! The first directed by Chima, our friend and collaborator. image

12:13pm saw first piece & now being led to the train by musicians! Just a taste of Chima's piece pt 1: image

1:15pm two shows have ghosts. Boyle Heights: image

2:44pm and we had a lovely lunch at East L.A. Civic Center thenparty with puppets! image

2:56pm surprise performance by @operadelespacio image

3:29pm East LA Rep takes us back to 1870s and the power of music! image

4:45pm A tired crew waits for our last bus. Good day! Stay tuned for reactions from our teens on the blog. image

Our 1st show is set at a train station. Watch the trailer.

See the Facebook Album of Lukas & Allegra's past field trips

1st Time at Theatre: Luke

1st Time at Theatre: Allegra


Why are Debbie & Jay excited about our season?


Family Fridays LA 8/31