Family Fridays LA 8/31

Welcome to our new weekly segment, Family Fridays LA!

Here to bring you the best of intelligent family resources to enjoy with everyone you love. Suggest your own event in the comments below. Read last week’s Family Fridays LA for more.


Library Activities

Many local libraries have free events that can benefit the whole family. Here are just some of the great branches with their own Twitter accounts or blogs!

Arroyo Seco LAPL blog | Twitter | Facebook

Cypress Park LAPL blog | Twitter | Facebook

USC Library | Twitter


Grandparents as Parents

This is a great organization we've followed for a while. Do you have any Hero Grandparents stories?

Whether you're a relative, caregiver, 'Grandfamily' in need of help, or a potential supporter of our cause, you'll find what you're looking for here.


GAP's mission is to provide programs and services that meet the urgent and ongoing needs of grandparents and other relatives raising at-risk children.

Website | Facebook


Free Family Fun Day at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica

Heard from Santa Monica Rep on Twitter that tomorrow is a full day of fun arts events for families. Food trucks, free ice cream, interactive performances by many in our community! Sounds fun. Sat Sept 1 (11am-3pm) Info.

Interest in Arts Predicts Social Responsibility: Study

Not an event but quite a great study to ready and spread around!

Self-Portrait on iPad

A grandmother asked for an iPad to use for art. Here's what she created (hat tip to Be Good LA):







Teaching Digital Responsibility to Kids from Edutopia 

And of course, please consider Rome at the End of the Line (Roma el Final de la Via) 

Runs Saturdays & Sundays Sept 15 - Oct 7. Ages 12+

Seven-year-olds Emilia and Evangelina—born a few days apart in a small Mexican town–walk together to the train tracks with the child-like hope of boarding it and traveling to Rome. From that moment, their lives are forever tied together.

Purchase tickets hereWatch the trailer here.

ROME runs for 90 minutes with no intermission


1st Metro Play! Field Trip Live Blog


"I paint at work, I paint at home, I paint.......all the time!"