Family Fridays LA: Grandparents Day Tribute

In honor of Grandparents Day this Sunday, September 9th, we asked for guest posts from Grandparent Bloggers. Family Fridays LA Resources will post soon.

Lisa from @GrandmasBriefs introduced us to Kc, who began her blog amaraland to chronicle all of her granddaughter's adventures. Here is a wonderful post from her blog to celebrate grandparents!


Patriotic Day!

While lots of the schools are out for the summer, Amara still has another week to go. The last few days of school are always so much fun. Tomorrow is the 1st Annual Father Daughter Dance, more on that after Friday. Next week they have things like Pajama Day, billed as the day you “roll out of bed and just come to school”. There is crazy glasses day and sports day. On sports day they get to wear their favorite team jersey. Amara will be wearing her Green Bay shirt. She is very opinionated when it comes to sports! She gets this from her Mommy who did NOT get this from me! The last day of school is one of my favorites — Crazy Hair Day. It is one of Amara and her Mommy’s favorites, too.

Today was Patriotic Day and the second graders presented their Patriotic Performance. As with everything these kids do they had worked so hard to be ready! It was wonderful to watch as six — yes, I said six classes of second graders, all 152 of them, filed in to take their seats on the bleachers and on the floor! The library/resource room was packed with parents and grandparents. There were lots of them just standing in the back. There were no more seats! The kids were so focused. I don’t think I saw one scholar fidget during the entire performance. Their teachers had taught them so much about America and its history and their music teacher had worked so hard to get them ready to present their music to us.

They began by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star Spangled Banner. It really was amazing to watch and hear. They sang all of the wonderful songs I remember singing when I was in 2nd grade. Plus one called “The Nifty Fifty” that I had never heard of! That one meant learning all 50 states and at least a little bit about each of them. Amara had recited them for me many times! We even had a whole conversation about the fact there are too many states that start with the letter “M”. It makes the abbreviations very hard to learn and remember! We had this conversation on the beach the day I surprised her and took her after school.

Back to the performance, each song was followed by 3 of the scholars getting up and telling us a historical fact. They sang favorites like Yankee Doodle Dandy and Amara was up there singing and bouncing and again I have smiled so much my face hurts! But when those kids started singing “I’m Proud to be an American” I admit it, I teared up! There were cameras everywhere and here, too! It was a wonderful program and I’m so glad I was able to be there.

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