1st Shakespeare?

Everyone is welcome to see NEARLY LEAR, regardless of how much you do or don't know about Shakespeare.

We asked friends if they remember their 1st Shakespeare experience. Do you? Add to our list!

@24thST The Tempest @peopleslight when I was 12 was my first Shakespeare play and why I started acting.


@AntaeusTheater @24thst my first Shakespeare experience was seeing my uncle in Richard the 3rd @ Mark Taper in Los Angeles with Kelsey!


my #1stShakespeare experience? directing TWELFTH NIGHT@AntaeusTheater @24thST what was yours?


@24thST A Rockin Midsummer Night's Dream. 1950s jukebox musical style. Oh yes.


@24thST As cliche as it sounds, our #1stShakespeare production was #Hamlet. You gotta love that conflicted Danish Prince!


.@24thST "What was your #1stShakespeare experience?" Midsummer at Mason Gross in NJ. It was set on a giant rubberband ball. #dontask


grade 4 i was SPEAKER #2 in 12thNight. lines:"Epipha-what?" & "Behold Duke Orsino,a loser in love's casino" #1stShakespeare@AntaeusTheater


didn't know that SPEAKER #2 wasn't a real role in 12th Night until college. #1stShakespeare @AntaeusTheater


@24thST My parents took me to see a Summer Shakespeare series as a kid. I fell in love with the words. And the frock coats. Changed my life.


"@24thST: Trying 2 remember my #1stShakespeare . Can you?"Yes! As You Like It, Shakespeare in the Park, LA,Ca :-) Miss those summer shows!


Good for ages 7 & up, we look forward to some people experiencing their 1st Shakespeare here!

Bring your kids or friends or friends' kids to  

NEARLY LEAR - Oct 19-21 only


Susanna Hamnett & 24th ST are a great match


Susanna Hamnett: Why a Female Fool?