All Ages Love "Walking the Tightrope"!
We had a great opening day and night last Saturday.
"It is rare for parents and children to be able to see a play together without one or the other of them feeling that they are performing an act of self sacrifice....If the current production, Walking the Tightrope, is an indication of what is to come, LA theater lovers have a lot to look forward to.
The play is a poem, brought to life by storytelling actors, a touching and subtle set, live piano music, and occasional old film clips as backdrop. All of this works to illustrate the repeated refrain: Every year some things stay the same and some things change."
BACKSTAGE WEST Walking the Tightrope is a Sweet Summer Dream
Director Debbie Devine and her cohorts have fashioned from scratch something incredibly special, suggesting the feeling of a sweet summer dream staged by Federico Fellini....As Esme and her grandfather, the gifted Paige Lindsey White and Mark Bramhall are brilliant casting choices..."
"Walking the Tightrope... discusses personal loss in a gentle way and deserves an audience. The crew of very young theatre associates acting as hosts and hostesses shows that this special company’s main goal is to involve their local community as well as the world community."
"Sometimes, but not very often, the planets align, the Gods smile down, and all the pieces fall into place creating a perfect storm of creative energy that brings about a truly miraculous result. That is certainly the case with Walking the Tightrope. Ms. Devine and her creation are nothing short of brilliant and it was a privilege to have had the honor to live her vision."
Gabrielle Mejia
@gabbkleinCircus food and meaningful theatre: delighting all our senses.
It's a experience to find comedic relief in a tragic story. Loved #tightropeplay and can't wait for the next!
#TightropePlay Is a winner! Thanks @24thST @Deb24thStreet @Jay24thstreet and entire staff 4 a memory my entire family will treasure 4ever!

Thanks to @cindymariej for introducing me to @24thST Theatre's magical new play Walking the Tightrope. Must see theatre in LA!


- Kap Stann Congratulations on the well-earned rave review!
- Jacqueline Hamilton Fantastic. Well deserved, as my 15-year-old daughter and I both loved it, though it didn't make her cry as it did me. Wonderful.

Rick Klu The play was beautiful, touching, relevant, and, sublime, to say the least! Don't miss it!!
- Robin Lithgow Los Angeles NEEDS the 24th Street Theatre, which offers the rare opportunity for families to love excellent theatre together!
- Lionel McCray Great show. Brought my 27 year old daughter and we both enjoyed. It touched me.