International Women's Day CommunityNewsProductions Mar 7 Written By cindymariejenkins Today is International Women's Day, so we want to thank the wonderful women who made our 15th Anniversary Season so amazingly special. READ Jennie: #Team24 Profile READ AllegraL #Team24 Profile READ Sarah: #Team24 Profile MEET Karen, our new Development Manager ON STAGE NOW: Director Debbie Devine directed Walking the Tightrope ALlegra PadillaDebbie Devineint'l women's dayinternational women's dayJennie McInnisJulieta OrtizKaren fisherNearly LearNorma Angelicapaige whiteRoma al Final de la Viasarah zinnserSusanna HamnetttranslationWalking the tightrope cindymariejenkins
International Women's Day CommunityNewsProductions Mar 7 Written By cindymariejenkins Today is International Women's Day, so we want to thank the wonderful women who made our 15th Anniversary Season so amazingly special. READ Jennie: #Team24 Profile READ AllegraL #Team24 Profile READ Sarah: #Team24 Profile MEET Karen, our new Development Manager ON STAGE NOW: Director Debbie Devine directed Walking the Tightrope ALlegra PadillaDebbie Devineint'l women's dayinternational women's dayJennie McInnisJulieta OrtizKaren fisherNearly LearNorma Angelicapaige whiteRoma al Final de la Viasarah zinnserSusanna HamnetttranslationWalking the tightrope cindymariejenkins