24th STories (continued)

There are always too many stories pouring out of our carriage doors to fit into one newsletter or blog/Facebook/Twitter/what-have-you post. Here are more stories from our community this week:  

Karina & Angela earned some books!smallFBcampaigngimp

About a month ago, I asked our Teen mentors what they would like as gifts to help our Facebook page gain over 1,500 Likes. They both lit up when books were mentioned, and we took this photo.

Thanks for all of your help spreading the word, asking your friends to like our page. Keep it up and let me know if you book suggestions!



Jason is moving!                                   

Jason said goodbye to After Cool at 24th ST Theatre. His family's moving. Visit again soon!

Allegra Visited!

Allegra came to say hello. It was lovely to see her in our home again.

Annenberg Alchemy Program

Jay graduated! 

No, really, he did, from the Annenberg Alchemy Program.

Alchemy's mission is to inspire nonprofit organizations to greatness through the development of the leaders among us. By ensuring that nonprofit executives and board members maximize their leadership capacity and teamwork, Alchemy transforms nonprofit organizations to a higher level of effectiveness.

Walk the Tightrope until May 18!

4 performances only of Aziz Gual in Huraclown


Behind the Scenes in 6 Seconds


Live-Blog: L.A. Weekly Theater Awards