Mentoring is a Gift

Mentoring is a Gift


We think of our after-school Drama III class as a gift, because our neighborhood teens perform alongside teens from The Colburn School of Performing Arts. It’s a great mix. Well, last week at this year’s Drama III culminating performance we got another great gift from Colburn student Leon Saliba Blight. Deb and Jay have known Leon since... well since he was born. His mom, Joanne Saliba, was 24th STreet’s founding Board President and she worked with Deb at Poseidon School for over 20 years. The gift is a photo of Leon as a baby (in the top photo) pictured as Deb and Jay and their theatre company build a rehearsal space at Poseidon in 1995. The photo below was taken last month with Leon all grown up and headed off to college in Boston. In case you can’t read the inscription...
“To Deb & Jay, Thanks for a Lifetime of mentoring, Love Leon.” Wow, what a gift! What an honor. Thank you, Leon. We’re proud of you.
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