Jack Black at it again with Festival Supreme

Is it a music festival? A comedy club? A party on Santa Monica Pier? For our friend Jack Black, it must be both!

festival supreme

He and his band-mate from Tenacious D organized a rocking Festival Supreme combining music, comics and music infused with comedy. The full line-up looks phenomenal, and the event has gotten great coverage in the LA Times, LA Weekly, and national press like the New York TimesWall Street JournalRolling Stone & USA Today.

It really sounds unlike anything ever produced on this scale, and that's intentional on Jack's part. Combining music and comedy could translate into a wonderful merging of fan bases for artists. If the online buzz tells us anything, it's that people are ready for this adventure.

Taking chances is nothing new for Jack. He joined our Advisory Board at the very beginning and credits our Artistic Director Debbie Devine with taking a big risk on him as a teenager. Just last summer he jumped into a nationwide campaign for Farmer's Insurance called "Thank a Million Teachers":

Trusting the work of his teenage Drama Teacher is one thing; taking the chance his whole family might enjoy it is another. After seeing Walking the Tightrope last year, Jack expressed how:

"Three generations of my family experienced the show together, and we were all blown away."

Tenacious D even headlined one of our benefits, with a new song!

We thank you again, Jack, for playing such a vital role in bringing the arts you love to even more generations!


"Walking the Tightrope" at Ovation Awards Nominees Brunch
