Dia de los Muertos on Saturday Nov. 2nd

The past two weekends we've held Free Community Arts Workshops for our Dia de los Muertos Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 2nd. Volunteers from our community shared their knowledge and traditions with anyone who cared to come! See all the great photos taken by our Communications volunteer Annalisa Sevaly on Facebook. Share yours!

Not familiar with Dia de los Muertos traditions? Here are the first two short videos in a series to introduce you to Guatemalan Kites & Luminarias. Our volunteer artists are your hosts:

24th Street Theatre presents the 8th Annual Día de los Muertos Celebration Saturday November 2, 2012 (5pm-10pm)

24th Street Theatre Presenta la 8ª Celebración anual de Día de los Muertos Sabado 2 de Noviembre del 2012 (5pm-10pm) ----- Apoyo adicional/ Additional support provided by: North Area Neighborhood Development Council (NANDC), Bernard Parks, Council District #8 -----

**Volunteers needed and very welcomed!** Call 213.745.6516 email: outreach@24thstreet.org

Share the Facebook event with your friends here.



Thank A Million Teachers!