Enter Stage Right: "Igniting Enthusiasm"

We receive a lot of thank you's from the schools who attend "Enter Stage Right." Thanks to the Rosenthal & Gluck Foundations, this year we had the funding to extend the program - and here's a response from Studio City!

On Friday, December 5th,  my class visited the 24th Street Theatre.  This was a first for me and my ESR publicity photo2students, but I’m certain your program has ignited their enthusiasm for live performances and that they will want to have more theatre experiences.  I wanted to thank you for your awesome presentation that introduced my 2nd graders to theatre vocabulary and the opportunity to understand and appreciate all the aspects that go into creating a show.   We just began a new language arts unit in our Treasures anthology, “Let’s Create,” and your show dovetailed beautifully with its theme. Your introduction to theatre was an outstanding presentation.  I especially liked the way you so cleverly involved students and had them participate.  The spontaneity of your show highlighted the fun that live theatre offers, as opposed to a flat 2-d screen.  We will be writing about our field trip to 24th Street Theatre, and I’m looking forward to reading what my 2nd graders have gleaned from this enriching trip.

‘Hope I can return next year & share this again with our Carpenter Cougars!


Mrs. Kukawka

Carpenter Community Charter

Studio City, CA.


If you'd like to ensure these programs continue, please consider donating to our end-of-year campaign.


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